African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS) <p><strong>African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS)</strong> is an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed and open-access journal that enhances research in all fields of basic and applied sciences through the publication of high-quality articles that describe significant and novel works; and advance knowledge in a diversity of scientific fields.</p> <p>The <strong>AJAPAS</strong> is owned and published by the African Academy of Advanced Studies (<strong><a href="">AAAS</a></strong>). <strong><a href="">AAAS</a></strong> is the African Academy of Advanced Studies. (<strong><a href="">AAAS</a></strong>) is an academic publisher of open access peer reviewed journals. It publishes all relevant research papers in relevant journals, including economics, business management, social sciences, education, English literature, medical science, technology, agriculture science, life science, math, engineering, computer and electronics, biology, physics, etc. All our journals are international and published every month<strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>AJAPAS</strong> welcomes the submission of articles from all aspects of basic and applied science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology and Mathematics), Environmental Science, agriculture, engineering, information technology, petroleum and biomedical sciences from cross-disciplinary fields.</p> <p>Presently, <strong>AJAPAS</strong> is publishing one volume, with 4 issues per year (each issue including about 10-20 articles). All accepted articles are granted free online immediately after publication (doesn't have article processing charges) and the journal doesn't have article submission charges, which permits its users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles, thus facilitating access to a broad readership.</p> <p><strong>Download important files:</strong></p> <p><strong><a title="AJAPAS manuscript template" href=";ouid=101738608010581765457&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">- AJAPAS manuscript template in English</a></strong></p> <p><a title="AJAPAS manuscript template in Arabic" href=";ouid=101738608010581765457&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>- AJAPAS manuscript template in Arabic</strong></a></p> <p><a title="Author’s Declaration Form of AJAPAS" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">- <strong>Author’s Declaration Form of AJAPAS</strong></a></p> <p>.</p> African Academy of Advanced Studies (AAAS) en-US African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS) 2957-644X Harmonic Solutions to Solve Complex Algebraic Equations <p>Complex algebraic equations are a fundamental topic in mathematics, requiring the use of multiple techniques to solve them. These technologies include Simplifying, multiplying by reciprocals, and many other different methods, which is used to analyze equations and extract the required variables. Through this study, which aims to enhance students’ understanding of the basic concepts in algebra, including algebraic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and how to apply them in solving equations, in addition to developing students’ level in solving complex algebraic equations using...? Combinatorial solutions and developing exploration and criticism skills through analyzing mathematical problems. Through a methodology that relied on several different methodologies, including the descriptive methodology in describing and defining complex algebraic equations and combinatorial solutions, and the quantitative methodology in collecting data on combinatorial solutions and the factors influencing the solution of complex algebraic equations and the nature of the compromise solutions that are chosen, in addition to the scientific methodology in analyzing combinatorial methods and the influencing factors. There is a comparison methodology to compare combinatorial methods in terms of accuracy, ease, and pass ability The results indicated that combinatorial solutions are largely effective in enhancing students' understanding of basic concepts and developing their skills. Exploratory and critical mathematical problems. The flexibility, ease and accuracy of combinatorial methods range from 90 to 95%.</p> Salima khalifa Ahmed Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-05 2025-01-05 1 7 High-Gain Circularly Polarized Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array at 28 GHz for Millimeter-Wave Applications <p>This study presents a rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (RDRA) array designed to operate in the 28 GHz millimeter-wave (mmWave) spectrum. It achieves circular polarization (CP) by utilizing an innovative feed network with cross-slots. The DRA's dimensions, relative to the free-space wavelength (λ₀), are 0.478λ₀ × 0.478λ₀ × 0.28λ₀. The 1 × 4 array demonstrates excellent performance, delivering a substantial broadside gain of 14 dBic at 28 GHz, along with an axial ratio (AR) bandwidth of 13% and an impedance bandwidth of 27.3%. These features position it as a highly promising candidate for a wide range of applications. CST Microwave Studio was used for the entire simulation design process.</p> Tarek S. Abdou Alsayah A. M. Emhemed Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-05 2025-01-05 8 18 العلاقة بين زيادة مخزون الحديد وخطر الإصابة بالسكري في مدينة القلعة والمدن المجاورة لها، جبل نفوسة – ليبيا <p>في السنوات الأخيرة انتشر مرض السكري بشكل واسع وهناك عدة أسباب لانتشاره. إحدى هذه الأسباب هو زيادة مخزون الحديد (الفريتين) اعتماد على عدة دراسات سابقة. تم إجراء هذا البحث لمعرفة مدى تأثير زيادة مخزون الحديد على خطر الإصابة بالسكري عن طريق مقارنة مستويات مخزون الحديد بين مرضى السكري وبين الأشخاص الأصحاء (الغير مصابين بالسكري). وكذلك دراسة تأثير الجنس والعمر على مستويات مخزون الحديد وخطر الإصابة بالسكري. هذا البحث اعتمد على قياس مستويات مخزون الحديد وسكر الدم للصائم لحوالي 48 حالة (مرضى سكري وأصحاء، ذكور وإناث). أظهرت نتائج هذا البحث أن هناك علاقة إيجابية بين مخزون الحديد وخطر الإصابة بالسكري. حيث تبين أن المصابين بالسكري لديهم مستويات مخزون الحديد أعلى من الأصحاء لجميع الاعمار. كما اتضح من خلال هذا البحث أن الذكور أكثر عرضة من الإناث لخطر الإصابة بالسكري لأن مستويات مخزون الحديد بشكل عام لدى الذكور كانت أعلى من الإناث. كما أن الفئة العمرية للإناث من 64-86 سنة كانت لديها أعلى تركيز لمخزون الحديد مما يجعلهن أكثر عرضة لخطر الإصابة بالسكري مقارنة بباقي الفئات العمرية. من خلال هذه النتائج، نوصي الأشخاص الذين لديهم مستوى مخزون الحديد مرتفع بإجراء تحليل السكري باعتبارهم معرضين لخطر الإصابة بالسكري، وكذلك توعية النساء في عمر 64-86 سنة بأهمية إجراء تحليل مخزون الحديد وتحليل السكر بانتظام بين فترة وفترة.</p> خالد إبراهيم ملحس حنين إمحمد الشيباني خلود أبو القاسم العرمرم عائشة علي الشيباني فاطمة إمحمد البادن مارن علي سليمان نورالهدى صنقير أبوالقاسم Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-11 2025-01-11 19 29 تقدير تركيز عنصر الرصاص والكادميوم في بعض الأغذية المعلبة في مدينة الأصابعة <p style="direction: rtl;">في السنوات الأخيرة زاد الاهتمام بدراسة تلوث الأغذية بالعناصر الثقيلة نظرا لأنها تسبب العديد من الأمراض مثل الأمراض الرئوية والنفسية والاضطرابات الهرمونية والأمراض التناسلية. في هذه الدراسة تم تقدير ( الرصاص و الكادميوم ) في 10 أنواع من المعلبات ( حمص، بازلاء، فاصولياء بيضاء، فول، فطر، ذرة، معجون طماطم، مخلل مشكل، فواكه مشكلة وكاتشب ) الشائعة في الأسواق المحلية في مدينة الأصابعة باستخدام مطيافية الامتصاص الذري (AAS ) وجد أن تركيز الكادميوم ( 0.08 - &lt;0.001ppm) وهي ضمن الحدود المسموح بها من منظمة الصحة العالمية بينما كان تركيز الرصاص أعلى من الحدود المسموح بها في أغلب العينات المدروسة كالفطر (ppm1.78 – 2.21 ( والبازلاء ( ppm1.49( و أيضا الحمص والفول والفاصولياء و معجون الطماطم ما بين ( ppm0.15 - 0.63)</p> أ.عفاف محمد علي المقطوف أ. عائشة الباشير علي المقطوف أ . أسماء محمد المنتصر علي Copyright (c) 2025 African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS) 2025-01-11 2025-01-11 30 35 Impact of Chromosomal Aberrations on Infertility: Diagnosis, Management, and Assisted Reproductive Technologies <p>Chromosomal polymorphisms may be linked to infertility since they are more common among infertile couples However, their exact impact on reproduction, particularly when assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are used, remains unclear. This review article aims to explore infertility related to chromosomal aberrations and discuss the techniques that are used for diagnosis. Most faulty oocytes exhibit numerical abnormalities (monosomy, trisomy), while most abnormal spermatozoa show structural defects (translocations, inversions, deletions, and duplications). These differences in defect types lead to aneuploidy, miscarriages, and infertility. Azoospermia, oligospermia, and gonadal dysgenesis are indicators of spermatogenic failure and characteristic features of male chromosomal infertility. Additionally, factors affecting ovarian development, oocyte maturation, fertilization competence, pre-implantation embryo development, implantation, and fetal support are key contributors to female infertility. Performing a karyotype before beginning any in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure is advisable, as it helps reduce the risk of procedural failure. The review also emphasizes the importance of understanding specific chromosomal abnormalities in infertile individuals, which can lead to more personalized treatment approaches. Tailoring treatments may potentially improve the success rates of assisted reproductive technologies and reduce the risk of miscarriages and genetic disorders in offspring. This highlights the critical role of genetic counseling and advanced diagnostic techniques in managing infertility and achieving better reproductive outcomes.</p> Jinan M. Abugharsa Copyright (c) 2025 African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS) 2025-01-12 2025-01-12 36 40 Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Amine Regeneration Using a Novel Side Draw Flow Modification Method <p>Optimizing energy efficiency in gas-sweetening processes is crucial for reducing operational costs and improving environmental sustainability. This study introduces a novel approach to optimize the amine regeneration process, a critical component of gas sweetening operations, at the Mellitah gas plant. Using Aspen HYSYS software, a simulation model was developed and validated against actual plant data, achieving an absolute error of less than 1%, thereby confirming its accuracy. The optimization strategy is based on an innovative modification of the process flowsheet by incorporating a side draw stream on Tray 12, with flow rates ranging from 1000 to 6000 kgmol/h. New equipment, a heat exchanger (HX-101), and a flash separator (V-102) were integrated into the gas-sweetening process to enhance efficiency. HX-101 effectively reduced carbon dioxide (CO₂) concentration in the liquid side draw, while V-102 facilitated efficient phase separation. Analysis of side draw flow rates demonstrated significant energy savings. At a side draw flow rate of 6000 kgmol/h, the reboiler duty was reduced by 18% and the condenser duty by 5%. Additionally, increasing the side draw flow rate showed further potential for energy savings. These findings highlight the feasibility and effectiveness of this novel process modification, which is recommended for implementation at the Mellitah gas plant. This innovative optimization reduces energy consumption and operational costs and enhances the overall efficiency and sustainability of the amine regeneration process in gas sweetening operations.</p> Najib Meftah Almukhtar Omar Abtesam Aboljam Muhend Milad Ruqaia Abuajil Sheliqa Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-12 2025-01-12 41 55 Some Morphometric Traits of S. rivulatus (Forsskål, 1775) and S. luridus (Ruppel, 1828) in Derna coast, eastern Libya, Mediterranean Sea <p>Sixty <em>Siganus luridus</em> fish and sixty <em>Siganus rivulatus </em>were collected from the artisanal catch of Derna coast, eastern Libya during March/April 2021 for use in the present study to established morphometric traits and descriptive characters for both fish. The morphometric trait corelated to each other and related to fish length as an indicator of fish growth and age by linear and power regression. <em>Siganus luridus</em> of the present study was larger than <em>S. rivulatus</em>. For example, the mean Total Weight (TW) of <em>S. luridus</em> was 105.65±5.40 g while that of <em>S. rivulatus</em> was 59.95±2.06 g. The mean of Total Length (TL) of <em>S. luridus</em> was 18.72±0.39 cm while that of <em>S. rivulatus</em> was 17.19±0.21 cm. The linear and power weight-length relationship for <em>S. luridus</em> were Y=10.22X-85.63, R<sup>2</sup>=0.54, Y=0.31X<sup>1.98</sup>, R<sup>2</sup>=0.63 while that of <em>S. rivulatus</em> were Y=6.895X-58.57, R<sup>2</sup>=0.51, Y=0.478X<sup>1.69</sup>, R<sup>2</sup>=0.46 for linear and power regression respectively. Both fish indicated negative allometric growth.</p> Najiyah S. Husayn Marwah A. F. Saeid Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-13 2025-01-13 56 69 Water Pressure Switch Design Using 555 Timer <p>For industrial processes to be done properly, a system has to work under specific pressures. Safety considerations as well demand monitoring and “measuring” operation pressures and taking control over them to therefore ensure the equipments and lines in the systems don't exceed the permissible pressure as well as to ensure they are not destroyed or damaged in case the pressure is increased over a certain limit. These objectives can be attained by using sensors and pressure switches which are considered from the most important components in the industrial processes, specifically in the hydraulic and aerial systems.</p> <p>This project is set for designing and constructing an automatic pressure switch for a pressure source (pump), to automatically control water pressure which happens as a result of its influx in the hydraulic systems. Taking control over this process is done by using (SR flip flop) which receives a controlling signal from the (limit switch). The latter could sense the movement of the used pressure sensor. After that, a model is applied for a domestic water pump to control its operation. The model could protect the pressure when it increases over a certain limit, the flip-flop stops operating the source of the pressure (the pressure). At that, the model has been put into test and the results were very good as expected.</p> Abdalla Milad Faraj Musbah Al-Mahdi Al-Jadi Ahmed Saed Ishleebtah Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-13 2025-01-13 70 77 Possibility of Incorporating Artificial Intelligence Tools into the Contents of Undergraduate Biology Courses: The Genetics Curriculum as an Example <p>This research explores the potential of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) tools into the genetics curriculum within an undergraduate biology program. The study analyzes existing genetics courses, identifies teaching gaps, and proposes AI solutions to enhance learning experiences. The research examines the potential of AI for personalized learning, interactive content, real-time feedback, advanced data analytics, and visualization of genetic concepts. A hypothetical virtual experiment is presented that illustrates how AI can be used to analyze genetic data and predict a child’s genotype from parental data. The research also addresses ethical and practical challenges associated with integrating AI into the genetics curriculum, including bias in algorithms, privacy concerns, transparency issues, and the need for training and support for educators. It highlights the importance of collaborative efforts among educators, researchers, developers, and policymakers to ensure the ethical and effective integration of AI into education. The paper concludes by recommending further research to assess the impact of AI tools on student learning outcomes, develop best practices for their implementation, and ensure responsible use of AI in genetics education. This research contributes to the growing body of work exploring the potential and challenges of integrating AI into education, particularly in the field of genetics.</p> Fathi Ali Altaher Alboueishi Ahmed Al-Bashir Mohammed Absisa Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-18 2025-01-18 78 86 Health Risk Assessment of Fluoride Removal from Drinking Water <p>Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that can be found in various water sources, including groundwater and surface water. In controlled amounts, fluoride has been proven to have dental benefits, preventing tooth decay and strengthening tooth enamel. Reverse Osmosis (RO) is considered as an effective method used to separate and extract dissolved solids, organics, and bacteria from water. This study aimed to assess the health risks associated with fluoride removal from drinking water in Tripoli, the Capital city of Libya by using purification systems. Forty water samples were collected before and after desalination process different areas of Tripoli. Water Samples (groundwater, water distribution network and desalinated) were coded from 1 to 20 based on the source type. Samples were analyzed using DR3900 Laboratory VIS Spectrophotometer. Mean difference concentration of fluoride in the collected baseline water samples (before RO filtration) were found to vary between 0.08 and 1.16 mg/L. All of the water samples showed a complete reduction in fluoride content by 100% after passing through various RO filters. The results of the study showed that the use of reverse osmosis water filtration technologies has a substantial effect in reducing the fluoride levels in drinking water within unacceptable limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).</p> Abubaker A. Sharif Nader A. Alaziby Iman Shenqir Darine Trabelsi Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-18 2025-01-18 87 90