African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS) <p><strong>African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS)</strong> is an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed and open-access journal that enhances research in all fields of basic and applied sciences through the publication of high-quality articles that describe significant and novel works; and advance knowledge in a diversity of scientific fields.</p> <p>The <strong>AJAPAS</strong> is owned and published by the African Academy of Advanced Studies (<strong><a href="">AAAS</a></strong>). <strong><a href="">AAAS</a></strong> is the African Academy of Advanced Studies. (<strong><a href="">AAAS</a></strong>) is an academic publisher of open access peer reviewed journals. It publishes all relevant research papers in relevant journals, including economics, business management, social sciences, education, English literature, medical science, technology, agriculture science, life science, math, engineering, computer and electronics, biology, physics, etc. All our journals are international and published every month<strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>AJAPAS</strong> welcomes the submission of articles from all aspects of basic and applied science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology and Mathematics), Environmental Science, agriculture, engineering, information technology, petroleum and biomedical sciences from cross-disciplinary fields.</p> <p>Presently, <strong>AJAPAS</strong> is publishing one volume, with 4 issues per year (each issue including about 10-20 articles). All accepted articles are granted free online immediately after publication (doesn't have article processing charges) and the journal doesn't have article submission charges, which permits its users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles, thus facilitating access to a broad readership.</p> <p><strong>Download important files:</strong></p> <p><strong><a title="AJAPAS manuscript template" href=";ouid=101738608010581765457&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">- AJAPAS manuscript template in English</a></strong></p> <p><a title="AJAPAS manuscript template in Arabic" href=";ouid=101738608010581765457&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>- AJAPAS manuscript template in Arabic</strong></a></p> <p><a title="Author’s Declaration Form of AJAPAS" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">- <strong>Author’s Declaration Form of AJAPAS</strong></a></p> <p>.</p> en-US (Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdussalam Ali Ahmed) (Dr. Hamza Khalifa) Thu, 04 Jul 2024 04:24:08 +0000 OJS 60 Examination of the Mellitah Oil and Gas Complex's AISI 304 Stainless Steel Transmission Superheated Steam Pipeline: (Corrosion Failure) <p>Since petrochemical companies frequently employ 304 stainless steel pipes, this study was carried out on the same kind of pipe to examine the early failure of the high-pressure steam coil used in the fuel exhaust unit at Mellitah Industrial Complex. This failure manifested as vapor leaking through the spool's exterior surface fissures, which were evident. The hardness test, X-ray examination, microscopic inspection, visual inspection, and chemical analysis were the most crucial tests carried out to assess the metallurgical failure. The surface of the stainless-steel pipe had pitting erosion, as seen by the microscopic investigation photographs, the presence of this corrosion was confirmed after grinding and smoothing the surface of the sample There is a good explanation why the ingot got damaged. Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) was discovered throughout the interior structure of the stainless-steel pipe, as shown by an X-ray inspection. The presence of the fractures was also visible in the microscopic photographs. By comparing the results of the chemical analysis as well as the hardness test obtained in this research with international specifications, it was found that they conform to them, and this refutes what was stated in the reports of the Mellitah oil and gas complex that the type of corrosion that occurs in the superheated steam transmission pipe is corrosion resulting from thermal fatigue.</p> Abdulsalam Salama, Mohammed Al-Madani, Salah Gnefid, Emhemed Madi, Abdul-Hamid Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 04 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 استخدام بعض الأعشاب الطبية كبديل أو داعمًا للدواء الطبي (الكورتيزون) لدى مرضى داء الربو: دراسة استكشافية <p>داء الربو هو مرض مزمن شائع يتميز بضيق الشعب الهوائية وصعوبة في التنفس. يعتبر العلاج بالكورتيزون الركيزة الأساسية في إدارة هذا المرض، ولكن قد يكون له بعض الآثار الجانبية. في السنوات الأخيرة، زاد الاهتمام باستخدام الأعشاب الطبية كبديل أو مكمل للعلاج الدوائي التقليدي لداء الربو.</p> <p>تهدف هذه الدراسة الاستكشافية إلى تقييم استخدام بعض الأعشاب الطبية كبديل أو داعم للعلاج الدوائي بالكورتيزون لدى مرضى داء الربو.</p> <p>وتتأتى أهمية الدراسة في أن فهم استخدام الأعشاب الطبية بين مرضى الربو سيساعد على تطوير برامج وتوجيهات إرشادية للاستخدام الآمن والفعال لها كعلاج مكمل أو بديل للعلاج الدوائي.</p> <p>واستخدمت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، وتوزيع 60 استبياناً على المرضى المترددين لقسم الأطفال في مركز سبها الطبي بمدينة سبها، والمرضى المترددين لقسم الأطفال بعيادة السارة الطبية بمدينة براك الشاطئ، أي بواقع 30 استبياناً لكل منهما. ولمعالجة البيانات تم استخدام الرزمة الإحصائية للعلوم الاجتماعية SPSS.</p> <p>وخلصت النتائج إلى أن غالبية المرضى يستخدمون العلاج بموسعات الشعب الهوائية، ويأتي الكورتيزون والاوكسجين في المرتبة الثانية من حيث الاستخدام للعلاج، وأن نسبة كبيرة من المرضى يستخدمون العلاج بالأعشاب خاصة الزنجبيل والزعتر ويرون أنها ذات فعالية عالية في التخفيف من حدة النوبات، إلا أن القليل منهم قال بكفاية استخدامها لوحدها. وأظهر العلاج بمركبات الكورتيزون مضاعفات عديدة وخطيرة منه الإصابة بمرض السكري والانتفاخ والرعشة والتعب والعصبية وتأخر النمو، وكان هناك مستوى معرفة جيد بمخاطر مركبات الكورتيزون، كما أظهر التحليل الاحصائي وعياً عالياً بوقاية المريض من مهيجات الربو مثل عدم التدخين في حضور المريض والاهتمام بتهوية المنزل وتغيير أغطية الأسرة، وكان هناك حرص جيد على تناول الأدوية في مواعيدها، حيث أظهرت الدراسة أن الأطفال الأكبر سناً لديهم اهتماماً كبيراً بذلك.</p> هالة يوسف محمد, آمال محمد مادي, منال رمضان شعيب, أسماء محمد دنفور Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Demand and Supply Risk: Sustainability Manufacturing Industries of Turkey Based on Artificial Intelligence <p>The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on improving the sustainability performance of supply chains in the manufacturing sectors of Turkey. The paper took a quantitative approach, with a sample size of 350 manufacturing entities. It combined both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Statistical tools were employed to analyse the data and identify patterns and linkages. The results highlighted the significant impact of AI in reducing supply chain risks, stressing its crucial role in managing demand. Moreover, the research emphasized that incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into company operations goes beyond only technological progress and instead becomes a crucial necessity for enhancing resilience and sustainability. The paper implies that firms can derive significant advantages by incorporating AI technology to effectively manage unpredictable demand, optimize inventories, and improve overall sustainability. Nevertheless, the study's focus on Turkey's manufacturing industries implies the necessity for more extensive research, including other sectors and areas. To summarize, AI has great potential to transform supply chain risk management, which might have a major impact on the future of manufacturing in Turkey and potentially worldwide.</p> Nouri Ali, Iman Namroud, Mohsen Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 14 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Emergency Response and Disaster Management Leveraging Drones for Rapid Assessment and Relief Operations <p>In the face of escalating natural disasters and humanitarian crises, the efficacy and efficiency of emergency response and disaster management have become paramount. Traditional methods of assessment and relief operations often face constraints such as time, resources, and accessibility, thereby hindering timely interventions. In recent years, the integration of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, has emerged as a promising solution to overcome these challenges. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the utilization of drones in emergency response and disaster management, focusing on their role in rapid assessment and relief operations. Through a review of existing literature, case studies, and technological advancements, the paper examines the benefits, challenges, and future prospects of drone deployment in disaster scenarios. It also discusses the ethical and regulatory considerations associated with drone usage and offers recommendations for optimizing their integration into emergency response frameworks. By highlighting the transformative potential of drones in enhancing situational awareness, expediting decision-making processes, and facilitating targeted relief efforts, this research underscores the critical importance of leveraging technological innovation to build resilient and adaptive disaster response systems.</p> Abdulsalam Eshtaiwi, Abdussalam Ali Ahmed Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 14 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Some Results Associated with Generalised Derivative Operator <p>The theory of operators is an important subject in analytic function theory, geometric function theory and univalent function theory. It also is an important subject in applied sciences. It is still an active field of research and various types of problems, which can be solved by generalising operators. Recently, many researchers have shown great interests in the study of differential operators in the theory of univalent functions and various subclasses of analytic functions defined in the open unit disc. In this paper a generalised derivative operator &nbsp;will be used to derive some results concerning the subordination and superordination of analytic function in the open unit disc.</p> Entisar El-Yagubi, Samira Ziada Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 قياس مستوى التلوث الميكروبي والكيميائي بحوض ميناء زوارة للصيد البحري وعلاقته بسلوك الصيادين <p>أجريت هذه الدراسة المقطعية في ميناء صيد زوارة الذي يقع بمدينة زوارة الواقعة في أقصى شمال غرب ليبيا على حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط، في الفترة أبريل - مايو 2022، وتم إجراء جميع الفحوصات المخبرية في (المركز الليبي لأبحاث البيئة البرية والبحرية) بمدينة زوارة.</p> <p>الهدف من هذه الدراسة يتمحور حول التعرف عن علاقة التلوث الكيميائي والبيولوجي الذي أصاب هذا الميناء بسبب سلوك الصيادين غير الواعي بيئياً، ومن خلال مقارنة نتائج التحاليل الميكروبية والكيميائية بالمشاهدات والمقابلات التي أجريت مع الصيادين والمهندسين والإدارة والجهات الأمنية المعتمدين من قبل السلطات الليبية بالميناء.</p> <p>أخدت العينات من أماكن محددة بين داخل حوض الميناء ومحيطة وعينة أخرى ضابطة كمرجعية من الشاطئ الترفيهي بمدينة زوارة، وكشفت الدراسة أن التلوث الميكروبي بالإشريكية القولونية الخيطية والإشريكية القولونية والحائطية داخل حوض الميناء وخارجه بين الارتفاع والانخفاض. بمقارنتها بالقيم الموصي بها من منظمة الصحة العالمية إحصائياً، عن طريق إجراء "اختبار T لعينة واحدة" على برنامج SPSS. عند مقارنتها بنتائج القولونيات الخيطية حيث أظهر الاختبار قيمة أكبر من قيمة T المجدولة بثقة 95% وعند درجة حرية 5. كما تبين من الاختبار أن قيمة (P) المحسوبة أصغر من القيمة المطلوبة p 0.05 وكانت قيمة الاختبار الثاني = 5.137 وهي أكبر من الجدولية = 4.303 عند درجة حرية 2. كما تبين من الاختبار أن قيمة (P) المحسوبة = 0.036 وهي أصغر عن (p) المطلوبة والتي تساوي (0.05)، مما يؤكد أن الفرق ذو دلالة إحصائية، وينفي الفرضية الصفرية ويقبل الفرضية البديلة، حيث أن حجم تأثير مربع إيتا ŋ2= 0.9 وهو حجم تأثير مرتفع حسب كوهين. الجدول والذي يشير إلى أن 90% من قيم العينة أعلى من المتوسط وأن التلوث الكيميائي كان قليلاً وليس مرتفعاً.</p> سلطان علي الطويني, د. حسين سعيد قري, م. عبد الرحمن القضاوي, م. أسامة زايد الغردق, م. وجدي خالد عشيني, م. أيوب عريبي قرب Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Potassium Bromate Concentration Measurement in Local Bread Types from Various Bakeries in Zawia, Libya <p>Bread is widely consumed in Libya, primarily for breakfast, dinner, and school meals, by people from all socioeconomic backgrounds. In the banking sector globally, potassium bromates to their blends. This research aims to determine the degree of compliance with the prohibition fourteen years later and to evaluate the safety of bread by measuring residual potassium bromate with a fast and accurate technique (spectrophotometric technique), from various bakeries in Zawiya, Libya, twenty-nine distinct bread samples were chosen randomly. The reducing-oxidant reaction of bromate and promethazine in an acidic media is the basis for this technique. At 515 nm, the reddish-pink product that was formed had the highest absorption. According to the results, every bread sample that was examined contained potassium bromide. In the bread samples, the amount of bromated varied between 9 and 60 mg per kg. The French bread sample showed the lowest level, while the Fino bread sample showed the highest level. This investigation shows that all four varieties of bread samples have potassium bromate levels above WHO guidelines.</p> Abtisam S. Aljarmi, Najah Y. Baroud, Mabrouka M. Hamzah, Rania A. Alrwesse Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 دراسة مدى تأثير التدخين على زيادة ارتفاع نسبة الهيموجلوبين في الدم بين المدخنين والغير مدخنين في مدينة غريان <p>يعتبر الهيموجلوبين من بروتينات الجسم المهمة حيث أنه يقوم بوظيفة نقل الأكسجين من الرئتين إلى بقية أعضاء وأنحاء الجسم، وإعادة ثاني أكسيد الكربون من مختلف أنحاء الجسم إلى الرئتين، ولكن زيادة نسبة الهيموجلوبين في الدم عن المعدل الطبيعي هي حالة مرضية ينتج عنها أعراض كثيرة أهمها الشعور بالإرهاق، زيادة في ضغط الدم وعدم القدرة على التنفس. إن السبب الرئيسي لحدوث هذه الحالة هو زيادة تصنيع كريات الدم الحمراء في النخاع الشوكي و التي يكون سببها وجود نقص في كمية الأكسجين في الدم. يعتبر التدخين من أحد الأسباب الرئيسية التي تؤدي إلى نقص كمية الأكسجين في الدم، حيث تهدف هذه الدراسة لتوضيح مدى تأثير التدخين على زيادة نسبة الهيموجلوبين في الدم، وذلك من خلال عرض مقارنة تحليلية بين 200 حالة في منطقة غريان (100 حالة من المدخنين و100 حالة من غير المدخنين) تتفاوت أعمارهم من 18 الي 80 سنه.&nbsp; تم إجراء اختبار فحص الدم الشامل (C.B.C) لكل عينات الدم التي تم الحصول عليها. تمت المقارنة بين النتائج المتحصل عليها من عينة الدراسة باستخدام دراسات إحصائية، حيث أوضحت أن نسبة الهيموجلوبين لعينات الدم لمدخنين كانت أعلى مقارنة مع نسبة الهيموجلوبين لعينات الدم لفئة الغير المدخنين. أوضحت النتائج أيضا أن العلاقة بين العمر ونسبة الهيموجلوبين في الدم لفئة المدخنين كانت ضعيفة وتكاد تكون معدومة، بينما في مجموعة الغير مدخنين فكانت العلاقة عكسية، أي أنه كلما يزيد العمر تقل نسبة الهيموجلوبين، وربما يرجع ذلك لبعض الاسباب الأخرى.</p> فتحية عبدالسلام سالم, هناء المبروك شقرون, زينب محمد الهنشيري Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The effect of partial and total replacement of marble waste as coarse aggregate in concrete mix on mechanical properties <p>Waste from the manufacture of building materials (marble) causes many problems in the environment, which requires research into ways to benefit from it around the world. In some developing countries, such as Libya, there is no management of industrial solid waste because local agencies (cleaning agencies) are limited only to cleaning Streets and residential waste transportation only. This may further exacerbate the problem of solid industrial waste accumulation around factory sites.</p> <p>As the remains of marble manufacturing waste are increasing, they may be useful if used as fine or coarse aggregate in cement mortar and concrete. Using marble waste can solve the problem of aggregate shortage, and on the other hand, the cost of building materials. The use of alternative components is now a source of global concern, so new sources must be researched and explored to produce building materials that achieve sustainability and are environmentally friendly.</p> <p>In this study, marble waste was used as an alternative to coarse aggregate in the design of regular concrete. Concrete mixtures containing marble waste were designed in proportions (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) and tests were conducted, including absorption and specific gravity tests. The volumetric weight of marble, slump and compressive strength to study its effect on concrete.</p> <p>As it was observed from the compressive strength test of concrete samples when replacing coarse aggregate with marble aggregate, no increase was observed when replacing 25%, but rather it decreases by (7.56%), while it begins to increase when replacing 50% at a rate of (15.39%), as well as in the modulus of elasticity at a rate of (8%). Then it gradually decreases to 75% and 100% replacement rates.</p> Abdel Nader Khalil Aldabar, Abdulmutaleb Mohamed Ahmidan Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nicotine exposure and its role in delaying the formation of long bones during embryonic development <p>The purpose of this study is to figure out the effects of nicotine on embryonic development. Various abnormalities in skeletal bone formation and general morphology, were assessed using domestic chick Galls Galls embryos. The fertilized eggs were sterilized with 70% ethanol and then nicotine solutions at concentrations of 0.1, and 0.5 mg/ml were injected in the eggs on day zero before being placed in an incubator set at a temperature between 37.5 and 38 C<sup>o</sup>. embryos were collected at specific developmental stage HH36 (Day 10). The examination of morphological changes in the embryos was conducted under a dissecting microscope, while defects in bone ossification were identified through the application of alizarin red stain. Consequently, this research will highlight that maternal exposure to nicotine during the early phases of embryonic development could potentially lead to a delay in bone ossification, resulting in reduced sizes of both long and flat bones.</p> Kawakeb A. O. Saad, Rabeea A. Husayn Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Difficulty of Chadian Forest Tree Seed Germination: Overcoming Physical Dormancy <p>High-quality tree seeds are essential for restoring degraded forests and achieving natural resource regeneration objectives. Chad faces challenges such as food and nutrition insecurity, low-income levels, and declining natural resources due to rapid population growth. Reforestation of degraded lands could help address these issues. Chad has committed to reforesting 500,000 ha of deforested land by 2026. Chad's forest and woodland seed value chains have underdeveloped markets and few private sector actors. The study found that physical dormancy is a known mechanism for Acacia species, but the flame treatment method is less well-known. Sand burial could break dormancy associated with physical and mechanical dormancy and hardseededness class 1 species. Washing cycles are effective for seeds with physical/abraded and combinational dormancy with treatment. The study provided the first validated protocols for germinating important dryland species with physical dormancy, which is mostly legumes with erect seeds with small projections. The use of specific methods for removing the hard seed coat is crucial in Savanna-Mosaic of Chad for seedling and nursery establishment. The optimal method depends on the tree species and should be used carefully during the rehabilitation phase of reserved forests in Southern Chad. The germination of forest tree seeds can be affected by physical dormancy, root trajectory, and early radicle desiccation. Opening the hard seed coat artificially can lead to high germination rates, but imposed dormancy should be removed carefully. Mechanical removal of the seed coat increased the germination percentage of E. guineensis, while immersion in hot water resulted in low germination.</p> Sabre Idriss Absakine, Beunon Tchimbi, Aziber Hamza Ousman Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 تقييم خصائص الغطاء النباتي والتنوع الحيوي النباتي في منطقة حوض وادي السهل الغربي (هضبة البطنان - مارماريكا) شمال شرق ليبيا <p>أُجريت هذه الدراسة في حوض وادي السهل الغربي شمال شرق ليبيا، على مساحة 54.75 كم²، لتقييم خصائص الغطاء النباتي والتنوع الحيوي النباتي. تم تقسيم المنطقة إلى ستة مواقع رئيسية، حيث تم دراسة 12 مربعاً بمساحة 25م² لكل مربع، وتم وضع علامات وأخذ إحداثيات المواقع للرجوع إليها وإعادة دراستها خلال فصل الخريف والربيع. أظهرت النتائج تدهور الغطاء النباتي وسيادة الأنواع المحبة للملوحة، مثل نبات الغذام <em>Arthrocnemum</em> <em>fruticosum</em> L. &nbsp;بقيمة أهمية RV11.12 والخروع&nbsp; <em>Ricinus</em> <em>communis</em> L بقيمة أهمية،RIV 9.45 &nbsp;بينما كانت الأنواع المستساغة مثل <em>الشيح</em><em>Artemisia</em> <em>herba</em>-<em>alba</em>-<em>asoo</em> Sojak والسويدة <em>Suaeda</em> <em>vera</em> Forks أقل سيادة للأنواع النباتية المستساغة &nbsp;&nbsp;&amp; <em>Suaeda</em> <em>vera</em> Forks بقيمة أهمية (3.59، 0.70 RIV) على التوالي. كما تبين أن المواقع الشمالية أغنى بالأنواع النباتية مقارنة بالجنوبية، مع وجود مساحات كبيرة خالية من الغطاء النباتي بسبب العوامل المناخية والجفاف والتعرية والنشاطات البشرية.</p> أسماء صلاح علي, محمد فرج عباس, ربح عثمان رحيل, يعقوب محمد البرعصي Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Comparative Study of Gas Turbine Power Plant and Renewable Solar Energy and Regulatory Frameworks in Libya <p>Energy systems in Libya present inherent characteristics like any energy systems in the third-world countries which meanly depend on classical generation systems of electricity such as fossil and gas. This leads to high electricity prices, heavy dependence on fuel, pollution and carbon emissions. In recent years, the development of renewable energy technologies has presented an opportunity to counter these challenges and improve the affordability and sustainability of energy systems. This study focuses on a gas turbine power plant compared to a solar PV power station. the uptake of this has been constrained by various factors. These include consumption quantities of fuel, installations, operations and maintenance cost-effective, CO2 emissions, and available land area. This study compares the gas turbine power plant and renewable solar energy systems in Libya, analyzing their impact on electricity prices, fuel dependence, pollution, and carbon emissions.</p> Ali Ahmed Aboukra, Khaled Al Hadi Lekhmaisi Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 06 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Road Accident Analysis: A Case of driver’s behaviours in Bani Walid-Tripoli road / Libya <p>Road traffic accidents pose a significant societal concern in every nation, affecting various aspects of the community; this paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of road accidents and establish a framework to minimize their impact on road transportation the disparities in extracted factors among drivers in Bani Walid - Tripoli Road based on gender. The data collected from these databases undergo thorough analysis and evaluation based on a range of variables. Through the analysis conducted, it has been observed that the interplay between vehicle-related factors and individual factors significantly influences the frequency of traffic and road accidents.</p> Hamza Mohamed Abdulhamid Elghatas, Hosni Abdulruhman Saleh Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Design and Implementation of a Microstrip Patch Antenna Using ADS Software <p>In this paper, the design of a microstrip patch antenna using EMPro simulation is curried out to obtain a specific coefficient reflection at 3.6 GHz and to observe the gain and radiation pattern in 2D and 3D for both infinite ground plane and finite ground plane is investigated. A microstrip antenna consists of conducting patch on a ground plane separated by dielectric substrate. The micro strip antennas are the present-day antenna designer’s choice. Low dielectric constant substrates are generally preferred for maximum radiation. In this paper, we will study the rectangular microstrip patch antenna in terms of coefficient reflection, gain and radiation for the infinite ground plane and the finite ground plane. An explanation of each step will be made with the support of the theoretical concept. The results show the radiation pattern major lobe in the z-direction with no minor lobes for the infinite ground plane, whereas for the finite ground plane shows the major lobe in the z-direction with minor lobes in other directions.</p> Milad Albagul, Roberto Quaglia, Aleksander Bogusz, Abdulgani Albagul Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 09 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Estimating the Percentage of Lead in Different Types of Pottery Dinnerware Used in Libyan Home <p>Many people have long used ceramics to make dishes and utensils needed to prepare and cook food, and these colorful ceramic utensils used for eating are a source of lead poisoning. The current study aimed to disclose the amount of lead in the colors used to paint ceramic dinnerware in the Libyan home. In this study, dissolved lead was estimated from pottery utensils manufactured locally in Libya and imported from Tunisia and China for comparison, using a 4% acetic acid solution by volume. Through the results of the analysis of lead released in the acid solution from 18 samples of ceramic vessels, the results showed that the concentrations of total lead released in locally manufactured ceramic vessels ranged between (0.204 - 1.968) μg/ml. These results came within the range of values allowed by the US Food and Drug Administration as well as the International Evaluation Organization. The concentration of dissolved lead in ceramic utensils imported from Tunisia and China ranged between (0.223 - 2.160) μg/ml and (0.0124 - 3.597) μg/ml, respectively. These values are higher than those allowed internationally, which must not exceed 2.2 parts per million. The amount of lead dissolved in these utensils is directly proportional to the increase in its concentration. In the paints used, in addition to increasing the colors that contain it, which are red, green, white, and pink. In general, the concentration of lead released from locally manufactured ceramic utensils is lower than ceramic utensils imported from Tunisia and China, which must not exceed internationally permissible limits.</p> Afaf A. H. Abumhdi, Abuojaylah A. Abdulmalik, Maruwan A. Alarbash, Safa M. Abraheem Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 28 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 مقارنة بين فاعلية الحجامة الرطبة والعلاج في خفض ضغط الدم على مجموعة من المرضى بمدينة غريان <p>الحجامة عنصر من عناصر الطب النبوي، حيث حققت نجاحات باهرة لفتت الأنظار ولازالت ترتقي لتعد اليوم العلاج الثالث من حيث الأهمية بعد الوخز بالإبر والمساج. تعمل الحجامة الرطبة على تنشيط الدورة الدموية وتفتح مسام الجلد مما يساهم في إزالة التأثيرات المرضية، وعلى خفض ضغط الدم والنبض وانخفاض في كمية السكر في الدم. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم مدى فاعلية الحجامة الرطبة في علاج ضغط الدم ومقارنتها مع العلاج المستخدم من خلال عرض مقارنة تحليلية بين 20 مريض ضغط دم من مدينة غريان، من كلا الجنسين تتفاوت أعمارهم من 45 إلى 80 سنة، قسمت الحالات إلى مجموعتين (10) أشخاص وصفوا بالمجموعة الضابطة، وتم قياس ضغط الدم لكل لهم قبل وبعد أخذ العلاج بساعتين و (10) أشخاص وهم مجموعة التحكم وتم قياس ضغط الدم لكل منهم قبل وبعد الحجامة بساعتين خلال ثلاث جلسات استغرقت 45 يومًا. استناداً على المقارنة بين نتائج قياسات ضغط الدم قبل وبعد الحجامة لكلا المجموعتين المتحصل عليها من عينة الدراسة باستخدام دراسات احصائية، وجد أن الحجامة الرطبة لها نفس تأثير العلاج في المحافظة على معدل ضغط الدم.</p> زينب محمد على الهنشيري, فتحية عبد السلام سالم, هناء المبروك شقرون, شيماء سالم الفقي, مروة عبدالرزاق عبدالنبي, رويدا عبد العاطي البوش Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Impact of Modern Software in Expanding the Artificial Intelligence Fields <p>This paper discusses the innovative integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with education, marking a significant step in modern Internet technology's evolution. The development of AI in education is highlighted as an important innovation, aiming to leverage AI's capabilities to build an advanced, future-oriented educational system.</p> <p>In this paper, we propose an application that uses Python to construct a Random Forest classifier for data categorization in order to illustrate the usefulness of contemporary AI software. The steps for loading a dataset, preparing the data, training the model, and assessing its effectiveness are all included in this program. The implementation demonstrates how the creation of effective and efficient AI models is made possible by contemporary software for AI.</p> <p>The application's results highlight how sophisticated software is necessary to achieve high accuracy and reliable performance, demonstrating the important contributions that software developments have made to the field of artificial intelligence. Our results demonstrate the potential for AI's growth and use to continue, as long as software advances.</p> Tajdeedah Alhousayn Alhadi Ahfaaf Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 31 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Design a Remote Control System for a Three-Phase Pump using Mobile Text Messages <p>This paper contributes to the development of the agricultural irrigation and water supply systems in Libya. The purpose of this paper is to design a three-phase pump protection and control system. The user can remotely send orders from his mobile phone (on/off) as well as monitor the pump status by receiving messages showing the pump mode and giving information on the types of faults that may occur. This system depends on the Arduino UNO panel and the SIM 900 GSM GPRS module, as well as the protection devices over load relay and Phase sequence relay. practical experience has shown the effectiveness of this system when operated to control a three-phase pump to lift water from groundwater wells. This system contributes to increased comfort, safety and security in addition to flexibility, as well as access to the system at any time anywhere. On the other hand, it is an effective medium to help and support disabled people.</p> Yaser S. A. Shaheen, Massoud A. Omar Imaezeg, Amier A. Frag Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 02 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Design and Analysis of Liquid Propellant Rocket Thruster <p>This paper explores the intricate design considerations of liquid propellant rocket thrusters, which are pivotal components in modern space exploration and satellite deployment. The study begins with an overview of liquid</p> <p>propulsion systems, highlighting their advantages such as high efficiency and the ability to throttle thrust. The design process incorporates various critical elements including the selection of propellants, the configuration of the combustion chamber, injector design, and cooling methods. In our study, the model was designed with dimensions by analytical and software. The propellant of the model has been selected. The model was drawn and analyzed by Ansys workbench software. The paper also addresses the integration of these components into a cohesive system, focusing on achieving a balance between performance, reliability, and manufacturability. Advanced computational simulations and empirical testing methodologies are employed to validate design choices and optimize the thruster's performance.</p> <p>In conclusion, the design of liquid propellant rocket thrusters involves a complex interplay of material science,</p> <p>thermodynamics, and fluid dynamics. This paper provides a comprehensive framework for the design process, aiming to guide the development of efficient and reliable thrusters for future aerospace missions.</p> Montaser Saeed, Saad Adam, Mohammed Abu Elgasim Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 03 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 دراسة ميكروبيولوجية على بعض الأعشاب الطبيعية المستخدمة كمضافات لبعض الوجبات الليبية بمنطقة وادي الشاطئ <p>التمسنا في هذه الدراسة التعرف على أنواع الفطريات الملوثة لبعض النباتات العطرية المحلية والمستوردة المستخدمة كتوابل وقابليتها على انتاج السموم الفطرية. أجريت هذه الدراسة في جامعة وادي الشاطئ، ليبيا-قسم علوم وتقنية الأغذية - مختبر الأحياء الدقيقة. تضمنت الدراسة جمع 8عينات من التوابل وهي الاكليل ، الزعتر، الفلفل الأسود، الفلفل الأحمر، القرفة، الريحان، الخولنجان، الزنجبيل بواقع 500جم ، واتضح من النتائج أنه تم عزل 6 اجناس فطرية و27 نوع من الأنواع الفطرية من جميع العينات التي تم جمعها ، اعلا نسبة ظهور كانت لفطر Aspergillus spp( 100%) &nbsp;،يليه فطر Mucor spp(60%)،يليه فطر Suncphalastrum spp (50%) ،ومن ثم فطر Penicillium spp ( 40%) ،ويليه فطر Fusarium spp&nbsp; ( 30%)&nbsp; وأخيرا فطر Rhizopus spp ( 10%) كما تبين من خلال عزل الفطريات المصاحبة للعينات بطريقة العزل المباشر ان الفطريات كانت متواجدة بالعينات&nbsp; قبل او بعد المعاملة بمحلول الكلور&nbsp; بتركيز(0.02%)&nbsp; وبالرغم من ان عملية الغسيل أدت الي&nbsp; تناقص التلوث الفطري الا ان الأنواع المنتجة للمستقلبات الفطرية لازالت موجودة ببعض العينات&nbsp; ، واتضح كذلك ان الوسط الغذائي (PDA)من احسن الأوساط لنمو الفطريات&nbsp; خاصة جنسAspergillus&nbsp; &nbsp;والوسط الغذائي (YGCA)اكثر جودة لنمو وعزل الفطريات من&nbsp; جنسPenicillium&nbsp; وجنس &nbsp;Fusariumبينما الوسط الغذائي (CDA) &nbsp;اعطى كمية نمو اقل عن الأوساط الأخرى وقد&nbsp; عزلت&nbsp; بعض أنواع&nbsp; الفطريات من جنس Aspergillus لم تنمو على&nbsp; الأوساط الغذائية السابقة ،&nbsp; عزلات جنس Aspergillus التي تم عزلها اعطت نتائج موجبة عند الكشف عن تواجد سم&nbsp; Aflatoxins ،&nbsp; Ochratoxin حيث كان فطر A.ochraceus سائد في جميع العينات الا الريحان وظهرت .A.flavus ,A.parasiticus ,A.carbonarius ,A.fumigatus ,A.nomius ,A.candidus ,A.oryzae ,A.ustus ,A.niger A, terreus ولقد تم التعرف علي الفطريات ظاهريًا، كما تواجدت أنواع أخرى من السموم الفطرية ، وكانت أكثر العينات تلوث بالفطريات علي التوالي هي الزعتر والاكليل والفلفل الأحمر والفلفل الأسود بينما أقل العينات تلوث الخولنجان.</p> حليمة عبد الكريم, جمال الزوي Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 04 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Alteration of Hepatic and Renal Biomarkers Among Libyan Smokers <p>Smoking, a risky habit, harms human body organs and alters the levels of different blood parameters. This study aimed to assess the effect of smoking on kidney and liver function tests in Libya. Thirty-one smoker residents in Gharyan, Libya, with an age range of 20–60 years, were recruited. the serum levels of creatinine, urea, ALP, AST, and ALT were measured. Values outside the reference intervals were recorded for all three enzymes (ALP, ALT, and AST) related to liver functions. In contrast, in the case of the kidney, values outside the reference interval were recorded for creatinine only, and no values outside the reference interval were recorded for urea. In conclusion, the smoking effect was greater on the liver of smokers than on the kidneys. Smokers should be aware that smoking is harmful to their health and it causes liver and kidney damage.</p> Sanaa Ramadan Aljali, Abdounasser Albasher Omar, Manal Khalifa Hasan, Rayan Albasheer Abu Salama, Alaa Dow Attahhar, Salma Abdularahman Hmeid, Eman Abdulfatah Aleisawie Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 06 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Preparation sodium salts of phenylalanine, glycine and alanine complexes by using K2PtCl6, Cu(NO3)2.3H2O, HgCl2 and ZnCl2 <p>applications of complexes are very important in different sectors like the pharmaceutical industrial. So, this study aimed to preparation sodium salts of amino acids complexes by using K<sub>2</sub>PtCl<sub>6,</sub> Cu (NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>.3H<sub>2</sub>O, HgCl<sub>2 </sub>and ZnCl<sub>2</sub> as a ligand reaction with the sodium salts of the following amino acids: glycine (glyH), L-alanine (alaH), L-phenylalanine (pheH).</p> <p>The following complexes were isolated: Na [Pt(gly)Cl<sub>4</sub>] .0.5C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>5</sub>OH, [Cu(ala)<sub>2</sub>].0.5C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>5</sub>OH, [Pt(ala)<sub>3</sub>Cl].C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>5</sub>OH.4H<sub>2</sub>O, [Pt(phe)<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub>].0.5C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>5</sub>OH.1.5H<sub>2</sub>O, [Hg(phe)<sub>2</sub>].9H<sub>2</sub>O, [Zn(phe)<sub>2</sub>].C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>5</sub>OH. The isolated complexes have been characterized by their elemental analysis’s solubility, conductivity measurements, IR, electronic absorption and C<sup>13 </sup>NMR spectra.</p> Aisha B. A. Elmagtof, Omar A. S. Miftah, Afaf M. A. Elmagtof Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 06 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effect of Laundry Soap Containing Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate on Protein and Cellular Metabolic Activity of Gills and Liver Primary Cell Culture of Shield head Fish (Synodontis schall) <p>One of the main sources of chemical water pollutants for fish is the laundry soap that we use in our daily lives without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds. The present study aimed to develop cost-effective bioassays to study the effects of laundry soap containing linear alkyl benzene sulfonate on Shield Head Fish (Synodontis Schall) gills and liver primary cell culture. The primary cell culture was carried out following a method modified by Gaurav <em>et al.</em> [1] It was cultured in petri dishes containing omega-3 medium. The bioassays were carried out when the culture reached up to 100% confluence in 24 days by using four different concentrations of laundry soap (10 mg/ml, 5 mg/ml, 2.5 mg/ml, and 1.25 mg/ml) for 48 hours to observe changes in protein biomass and cellular metabolic activity. The results showed no significant difference in protein concentration between doses. These changes were in direct correlation with the dose value, but cell viability decreased with increased doses on gills and liver primary cells as determined by reducing the MTT reagent to formazan indicating a potential concern for the health of fish and aquatic invertebrates. The study suggests using Omega-3 as a growth medium for primary cell cultures and candle smoke to promote cell growth and as a source of carbon dioxide. There must be more research on purifying water and separating harmful substances from it and efforts must be made to create environmentally friendly soap from natural materials.</p> Muzn Tarig Khalid Abdurahim, Shima Elfadel Ahmed Hassan Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 09 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation of Hematological and Biochemical Alterations Induced by Non-selective Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors (Piroxicam) in Rabbits <p>Piroxicam is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug&nbsp;(NSAID) recommended for various medical conditions. Conversely, piroxicam's hemato-biochemical and hepato-renal-induced toxic effects have been reported. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the impact of piroxicam on some hematological and biochemical parameters in rabbits and examine the histological changes in the kidney and liver. Eighteen adult male New Zealand rabbits weighing (1800-2000 grams) were used in this study and randomly distributed into three groups (n=6). Group 1 is considered as a control. The second and third groups were intramuscularly treated for five consecutive days with concentrations (1, 2) mg/kg of piroxicam respectively. After 5 days blood samples were collected and used for hematological and biochemical analysis. Then, animals were sacrificed; their kidneys and livers were removed and processed for histological examination. High-dose piroxicam significantly (P ≤ 0.05) decreased red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, and White blood cells compared to the control group. Additionally, Piroxicam high dose significantly (P ≤ 0.05) elevated the serum levels of AST, ALT, urea, creatinine, and uric acid, while decreased levels of triglycerides, and glucose significantly (P ≤ 0.05) compared to the control. Histopathological examination revealed a dose-dependent piroxicam-induced renal damage, including, cortical blood vessel dilatation, tubular necrosis, glomerular tuft swelling, and interstitial inflammation. Similar dose-dependent effects were observed in liver tissues exhibiting hydropic and ballooning hepatocyte degeneration. The present study demonstrated that piroxicam induced significant hematological, biochemical, and hepato-renal histological alterations in rabbits.</p> Warida El-Rwegi, Amer Elgerwi, Aisha Zaidi, Wafa Elmghirbi, Afaf El-Nass, Abubaker El-Mahmoudy Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 10 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among healthcare workers in Yafran general hospital <p>Nasal carriage of MRSA among hospital personnel is a big problem in hospital environment. Accordingly, the main objective of current study was to determine the prevalence of MRSA among Health Care Workers (HCWs) in Yafran hospital.&nbsp; 108 HCWs samples of nasal swabs were collected, and cultured on Mannitol Salt Agar. The isolates were identified as <em>S. aureus</em> based on morphology. Besides, confirmatory tests were performed, including coagulase and catalase test. Finally, cefoxitin disc resistance was used to identify the MRSA strain. Antibiotic susceptibility testing of MRSA was performed according to the guidelines of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute<em>.</em></p> <p>The results showed that, out of the 108 HCWs, 37 (34%) carried MRSA. MRSA carriage rate was highest among Administration Department workers 30 % compared to other professions, followed by Emergency Department workers 21% , Obstetrics and Gynecology workers 19 %, Radiology, Laboratory and Internal&nbsp; Medicine Department workers was 8% ,5% and 5% respectively. Tetracycline showed the highest rate of resistance among MRSA isolates 27%, followed by Vancomycin 22%. While the Ciprofloxacin showed less resistance 11%. <em>&nbsp;</em>In conclusions, the high rate of nasal MRSA carriage among healthcare workers found in this study is alarming and highlights the need for adjusted infection control measures to prevent MRSA transmission from HCWs to the vulnerable patient<em>.</em></p> Khaled Abdusalam Bashir, Alaa Muhammed Argoup, Heba Ahmeda Ali, Heba Khalid Jama, Shahed Muhammed Jama, Mawada Ebrahim Zerbiga Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 10 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Step-up DC-DC Boost Converter Control with PID Controller and Artificial Neural Network <p>These days, energy markets are witnessing a shift to renewable and sustainable energy sources, which increases demand for power electronic devices, especially DC-DC boost converters. This letter examines the problem of the voltage of the output adjustment of a DC-DC boost converter connecting with a resistive load. This study introduces a comparison between two techniques, namely artificial neural network (ANN) and PID controller to adjust the voltage of the output of the DC-DC boost converter. The simulation outcomes display that the ANN control technique gives a better dynamic response than the PID controller.</p> Anis Issa, Murad Altaira, Gaber Agela Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 16 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 تأثر الخواص الميكانيكية للفولاذ المنخفض الكربون باستخدام تقنية لحام القوس المعدني <p>تعد دراسة الخواص الميكانيكية لوصلات اللحام والتغير في البنية المجهرية من أهم الدراسات التي لها الأثر المباشر في الحصول على وصلات ذات جودة عالية خالية من العيوب وبكفاءة عالية خاصة عندما يمر المنتج بظروف بيئية وتشغيلية مختلفة من مكان واحد إلى آخر. من المعروف أن وصلة اللحام هي منطقة ضعف. لذا يتناول هذا البحث تأثير البنية المجهرية والخواص الميكانيكية مثل قوة الشد والصلابة للوصلات الفولاذية منخفضة الكربون المستخدمة في صناعة السفن، علماً بأن السفن في البحار والمحيطات تتعرض للعديد من الضغوطات الناتجة عن الظروف البيئية. لظروف قد تؤدي في بعض الأحيان إلى انهيارات قد تسبب خسائر بشرية ومادية. تعتبر عملية اللحام إحدى طرق ربط المعادن. يمكن تطبيقه في الحالات الصلبة والانصهار. لحام حالة التسريب، تؤثر كمية الحرارة المتولدة بشكل كبير على جودة اللحامات من وجهة نظر الخواص الميكانيكية. لدراسة هذا التأثير تم استخدام تقنيات اللحام بالقوس المعدني المغطى لحام عينات من الفولاذ منخفض الكربون. تم تقييم الخواص الميكانيكية للوصلات الملحومة باستخدام الاختبارات الميكانيكية مثل قوة الشد والصلابة وصلابة التأثير. أظهرت النتائج أن اللحام القوسي له خواص ميكانيكية جيدة مما يجعل حجم المنطقة المتأثرة بالحرارة (HAZ) أصغر وبالتالي يحصل على حجم حبيبي أصغر في هذه المنطقة مما يؤدي إلى تحسين الخصائص الميكانيكية للحامات.</p> عبد السلام رمضان دلف, عبد السلام سالم القعود, بالقاسم محمد الأعوج, حسن عبد اللطيف مهلهل, مروان خليل محمد غويلة Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 16 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Predicting Waterflooding Performance IN A-NC186 Oil FIELD <p>Waterflooding, a critical methodology in the realm of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) of Libyan oil fields, is implemented subsequent to the depletion of primary reservoir energy. Within the framework of any waterflooding undertaking, the assessments of oil recovery are typically segmented into phases pre- and post-breakthrough. Notwithstanding, the capability to prognosticate waterflood efficiency until the point of abandonment is notably constrained. The primary objective of this investigation is to project the waterflood performance leading up to abandonment in the A-NC186 oil field under a specific water-injection scenario. Through the realization of these objectives, invaluable insights can be garnered to refine reservoir management practices and elevate the efficiency of oil recovery procedures. The outcomes delineate that after 5135 days, a WOR of 82 STB/STB is attained, necessitating the discontinuation of waterflood operations. Notably, a total of 64897 STB of oil was extracted until the breakthrough occurred. The investigation underscores the profound1842859 STB of water produced until the point of abandonment.</p> Muhend Milad, Rabiaa Omran, Najib Meftah Almukhtar Omar, Majed Enfis Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000