Q-1. When Should We Submit the Papers?
Ans. Author can submit their manuscript at any time. If it is accepted, then it will be published in the next upcoming issue. AJAPST publishes one issue every three months, i.e., 4 issues per year.
Q-2. How long does it take for the paper review process?
Ans. It will take 3 to 6 weeks for review process.
Q-3. When will I receive the acknowledgement after submission of the paper?
Ans. Paper submission is normally acknowledged within 24 hrs.
Q-4. What is the publication Fee?
Q-5. Where can I find the manuscript preparation guidelines?
Ans. The manuscript guidelines are given in "For Authors" and for preparing the manuscript, the paper template can be downloaded from "Important Files"
Q-6. Where can I find the Copyright copyright transfer form?
Ans. If your paper is accepted for publication, download the Copy Right Form from "Important Files" and send it to: ajapst.editor@gmail.com