The Causes Behind the Necessity of Human Translation


  • Zainab Yousef Elbarassi Department of Translation and Arabization, Faculty of Languages, Benghazi University, Benghazi, Libya


Machine Translation, Human Translation, Source Language and Target Language


This article highlights clearly how human translation surpasses machine translation through the examples given in the article, accompanied by elaborations, and it proves that the mind of a human translator is far better than all computational software.  In other words, human translators are indispensable. It is demonstrated by examining and translating the provided sentences that, when done by professionals, human translations are more accurate than machine translations. Therefore, it aims to avoid machine translation as much as possible. You must use human translation as humans can interpret context and convey the same meaning as the source text. Human translation never translates word-for-word. It ensures translation with finer nuances. Hence, it would help if you used human translation for appropriate conveyance of the source’s information.




How to Cite

Zainab Yousef Elbarassi. (2024). The Causes Behind the Necessity of Human Translation. African Journal of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (AJASHSS), 3(3), 29–32. Retrieved from