Understanding and Exploring the Role of AI in Shaping Ethical issue of Data Privacy


  • Nabiel Almbrook Algshat Lecturer, Computer Department, Faculty of Art and Science-Badr, University of Zintan, Libya


Artificial Intelligence, Data Privacy, Ethical Guidelines, Data Protection, Transparency, Cyber Security, Data Breaches, User Consent, Bias in AI, GDPR


In this paper, I discuss how artificial intelligence has become central to the formulation of ethical policies concerning data privacy. With the advancement of technology, customers’ privacy and information security concerns have come into focus and require stringent measures for the usage of data. This paper aims to analyze how AI improves data protection mechanisms for security risks pertaining to personally identifiable information while advocating for the transparency of handling personal information. Drawing evidence from the current global issues involving data privacy, the practical use of AI in cyber defense, and the social issues arising from AI technologies, this paper establishes that while developing ethical frameworks, there exists the need to continuously assess and update the ethical standards. Finally, the study confirms how AI should be incorporated within the context of data privacy to build confidence and ensure better accountability in the growing data era.




How to Cite

Nabiel Almbrook Algshat. (2024). Understanding and Exploring the Role of AI in Shaping Ethical issue of Data Privacy. African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS), 3(4), 57–61. Retrieved from https://aaasjournals.com/index.php/ajapas/article/view/947