A Current Assessment of the Renewable Energy Industry


  • Mohamed Mohamed Khaleel Department of Aeronautical Engineering, College of Civil Aviation, Misrata, Libya
  • Salah Ali Abulifa Department of Electrical and Electronic Technologies, Higher Institute of Technical Sciences, Misrata, Libya
  • Ibrahem Mohamed Abdaldeam Department of Electrical Engineering, Higher Institute of Science and Technology, Aljufrah, Sukna, Libya
  • Adel Ali Abulifa Department of Aeronautical Engineering, College of Civil Aviation, Misrata, Libya
  • Mohamed Amer Department of Aeronautical Engineering, College of Civil Aviation, Misrata, Libya
  • Tahir Mohamed Ghandoori Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Technical Sciences, Haraba, Libya

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Renewable Energy، Renewable Capacity Forecast، Solar PV، Wind Costs





السير الشخصية للمؤلفين

Mohamed Mohamed Khaleel، Department of Aeronautical Engineering, College of Civil Aviation, Misrata, Libya



Salah Ali Abulifa، Department of Electrical and Electronic Technologies, Higher Institute of Technical Sciences, Misrata, Libya



Ibrahem Mohamed Abdaldeam، Department of Electrical Engineering, Higher Institute of Science and Technology, Aljufrah, Sukna, Libya



Adel Ali Abulifa، Department of Aeronautical Engineering, College of Civil Aviation, Misrata, Libya



Mohamed Amer، Department of Aeronautical Engineering, College of Civil Aviation, Misrata, Libya



Tahir Mohamed Ghandoori، Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Technical Sciences, Haraba, Libya






كيفية الاقتباس

Mohamed Mohamed Khaleel, Salah Ali Abulifa, Ibrahem Mohamed Abdaldeam, Adel Ali Abulifa, Mohamed Amer, & Tahir Mohamed Ghandoori. (2023). A Current Assessment of the Renewable Energy Industry . African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS), 2(1), 122–127. استرجع في من https://aaasjournals.com/index.php/ajapas/article/view/251


