دوال بيسل: المبادئ والتطبيقات


  • زينب أحمد خليفة كلية العلوم الأصابعة، الأصابعة، جامعة غريان، ليبيا
  • هاجر خالد أحمد كلية العلوم الأصابعة، الأصابعة، جامعة غريان، ليبيا
  • ناجية المختار عمر كلية العلوم الأصابعة، الأصابعة، جامعة غريان، ليبيا


Bessel's equation appears when solutions to Laplace's equation and Helmholtz equation are needed in cylindrical coordinate’s cylindrical coordinates or spherical coordinates spherical coordinates. Therefore, the Bessel functions are of great importance in the problems of wave propagation and static potential. This research aims to study Bessel functions and Bessel differential equations, which have many scientific and practical applications in the fields of mathematics, chemistry, engineering as well as physics and other sciences, where the Bessel equation and functions were studied and some of its applications that are of great importance in all fields were presented.




How to Cite

خليفة ز. أ., أحمد ه. خ., & عمر ن. ا. (2022). دوال بيسل: المبادئ والتطبيقات. African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS), 1(1), 41–48. Retrieved from https://aaasjournals.com/index.php/ajapas/article/view/34